🚀GBM Auctions just wrapped up their first charity Bid-to-Earn auction on the Moonbeam Network, raising a whopping $92K for charity! 🎉 The auction featured unique Polkadot-related items, including signed copies of the Ethereum Yellow Paper, Polkadot White Paper, and JAM Gray Paper.

💰Bidders used Moonbeam's native token GLMR, with the auction showcasing the power of GBM's Bid-to-Earn system. This innovative format rewards every bidder, even if they're outbid, creating a win-win for all participants.

🎯The auction was a smashing success, with the Ethereum Yellow Paper selling for a top bid of 193,600 GLMR, the Polkadot White Paper for 116,160 GLMR, and the JAM Gray Paper for 60,000 GLMR.

👏Dr. Gavin Wood, co-founder of Ethereum and creator of Polkadot, expressed his pride in helping raise money for charity on the Moonbeam network.

🔥GBM's Bid-to-Earn system, using smart contracts, provides a transparent and fair bidding system, incentivizing participation and ensuring a fair value is reached.

🎈What's your take on this innovative auction format? Share your thoughts below! #DeFi #Web3 #BlockchainTechnology #GBMAuctions #MoonbeamNetwork #Polkadot