According to BlockBeats, Jiritsu Network, a platform focusing on Real World Assets (RWA), announced on June 12 that its latest product integration has been successfully applied to BlackRock's Bitcoin ETF. This integration, powered by Jiritsu's native Zero-Knowledge Multi-Party Computation (ZKMPC) oracle, can verify the reserves of the BlackRock ETF in real-time and bring the verified amount of Bitcoin onto the chain. This move significantly enhances the transparency of real assets and the speed of subsequent audits, allowing investors to have a clearer understanding of the assets behind the ETF.

In addition, Michael Lustig, a former BlackRock director with extensive ETF asset management experience, joined Jiritsu in May. This innovation by Jiritsu Network not only strengthens the application of blockchain technology in the financial field but also sets a new standard for the credibility and transparency of the entire cryptocurrency market. It is reported that Jiritsu Network successfully raised $10 million in September 2023 for the development of verifiable computations of real-world assets, making it a promising newcomer in the RWA track.