To set up auto-investing on Binance, you can follow these steps:

1. Create an account on Binance: Visit the Binance website ( and sign up for an account if you don't have one already. Complete the necessary verification steps to activate your account.

2. Deposit funds: Deposit funds into your Binance account. You can do this by transferring cryptocurrencies from another wallet or by purchasing cryptocurrencies using fiat currency through Binance's supported payment methods.

3. Choose an investment strategy: Binance offers several investment options, including spot trading, futures trading, and staking. Decide which strategy aligns with your investment goals and risk tolerance.

4. Set up recurring investments: Binance does not have an automated recurring investment feature built into its platform. However, you can manually set up recurring investments by using trading bots or third-party services that integrate with Binance. These services allow you to automate your trading based on predefined strategies and parameters.

5. Select a trading bot or third-party service: Research and choose a reputable trading bot or third-party service that offers auto-investing functionality for Binance. Some popular options include 3Commas, Coinrule, and Quadency. These platforms allow you to create and customize trading strategies, set up recurring investments, and automate your trading activities on Binance.

6. Connect your Binance account: Once you have chosen a trading bot or third-party service, you will need to connect it to your Binance account. Follow the instructions provided by the service to establish the connection securely.

7. Configure your investment settings: Set your investment parameters, such as the amount to invest, the frequency of investments, and the specific cryptocurrencies or trading pairs you want to trade. Make sure to review and understand the settings before initiating the auto-investing process.

8. Monitor and adjust: Regularly monitor your auto-investing activities and review the performance