According to Odaily, Render Network has announced the commencement of the final community vote on the RNP-000 amendment. The deadline for voting is set for June 11, 17:00 Pacific Time. The RNP-000 amendment includes several significant changes.

The structure of RNP has been simplified by merging sections and eliminating redundant information. The amendment also clarifies the difference between RNP and Render Fund Grants. The 'Render Network team review' stage has been removed to give the community more power.

The legal number of people for the final RNP vote has been set at 15%. A revision procedure for minor updates to RNP has been introduced. The emergency proposal rules have been simplified, and the legal number of people required for an emergency vote has been increased to 20%.

The 'RNP Guide' and 'Community Principles' sections have also been streamlined. The changes aim to enhance community participation and streamline the decision-making process within the Render Network.