Basic privacy is super important for payments! PayPal's stablecoin coming to Solana, PYUSD, will have a "Confidential Transfers" feature, which will still keep transactions public, but will hide the amounts. This way, if you buy something, your transaction is public, but how much you sent isn't. Privacy is absolutely necessary for payments to take off at scale. Even though this is consistent with cyperpunk values (which we love), that's not what we're talking about here. The real mainstream world, which is hardly a paradise of individual sovereignty, understands that you can't reveal everything about you at all times to all people. Companies don't publicly disclose how much they pay employees, and actively discourage them from talking salaries with their coworkers. Banks don't publicly share balances, and card companies don't share your balance with merchants. This isn't anonymous hacker stuff: it's basic common sense! We at Dash prioritized privacy as a bare minimum for payments. It was the first thing we did in 2014, and a prerequisite for anything to actually go mainstream as a payments method. The world knows you need basic privacy for payments to become viable to average people and companies. Dash has known this since day one. The rest of crypto is just catching up now. Dash is always ahead of the curve.