๐Ÿ”ฅHot off the press! Despite President Tinubu's crypto crackdown, Nigeria's Bitcoin fever is hotter than a habanero in a heatwave! ๐ŸŒถ๏ธ Google Trends shows Nigeria leading the global Bitcoin interest, even outpacing El Salvador.

Delta state is the Bitcoin king, with Lagos surprisingly not making the top 15. Seems like millennials, low bank penetration, and insecurity are fueling this crypto craze.

Stablecoins, especially USDT, are the new go-to for Nigerians to dodge inflation and currency fluctuations.

But it's not all sunshine and satoshis. The government's recent actions against P2P crypto exchanges and accusations against Binance have stirred the pot.

What do you think about Nigeria's crypto scene? Let's chat in the comments! ๐Ÿ’ฌ Remember, in the world of crypto, the only constant is change! #BitcoinNigeria #CryptoCrackdown