Telegram CEO, Pavel Valeryevich Durov is now officially a force behind $NOT coin. Days ago, the meme token enjoyed a powerful ride which is gingered by nearly one-third of the total Telegram users playing games and earning rewards in $NOT token denominations across the platform. At the launch on Binancne, the biggest Crypto exchange, I foresee that NOT will initially drop 30% in value and warn my followers to exercise patient so they can buy cheap at the very deep unless ofcourse your wallet can tolerate the deep.

Guess what? It happed. NOT coin crashed up to 35% and many went out with a loss because they can't stand the bear.

Now NOT coins str3nght is here. As you hold this, do not take Pavel Durov s tweet for granted. Follow him everywhere to know his decision on NOT coin be ause he is holding a significant share in it. It is a fundamental thing you need to do as a NOT holdlers.

I predict that this coin could get to as high as $1 in 2years.


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