🚀 Researchers ‘Hack Time’ to Recover $3 Million Bitcoin Wallet! 💰

🔒 A crypto wallet locked since 2013 has finally been unlocked! Security experts cracked the password and recovered over $3 million in Bitcoin.

1️⃣ Electrical engineer Joe Grand, aka ‘Kingpin’, was hired to unlock an encrypted file with 43.6 BTC, held since 2013.

2️⃣ The wallet’s password was generated by RoboForm, but was lost when the computer’s encrypted part became corrupted.

3️⃣ With Bitcoin’s value skyrocketing, the owner sought help from Grand.

🔍 Initially hesitant, Grand agreed to take on the challenge. Using a reverse engineering tool from the NSA, he disassembled RoboForm’s code.

💡 Grand discovered that the older version of RoboForm wasn’t truly random. By tricking the system into thinking it was 2013, he recreated the exact password.

🤝 Working with his colleague Bruno, they generated millions of potential passwords and finally cracked it!

📅 Note: This method only works for passwords created with RoboForm before 2015.

👉 Stay tuned for more crypto insights! 👍

🔒 Disclaimer: Always consult with a professional before making any investment decisions.

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