I am new to binance square(less than 1 month), but I been analyst for years. wif I called at 0.17 before it came to kucoin where starting price was 0.3 and then hit 0.17, and then came to binance and now we see it where it is. so yes my analysis are nuts.

when first I came to binance my first call was $PEPE which was with tp of 80-100% straight away, no one believe me because stereotype we must have 10 tps lol I am here to change that mentality.

Then I called $FRONT at 0.75$ with tp of 1.8$.

Most analyst couldn't digest and I did had many toxic comments. I ignored them.

after proving my work with highest accuracy including $BTC analysis which were just too accurate and people start to believe me. I appreciate everyone.

You all are just start of my journey, I am going to change stereotype that future must have 1% tp with leverage x10 will make it 10%. I am not ordinary analyst, I am here to change mentality, that among all of us there is a believer and a guy who dreams big. Rest with time I will proof my showmanship, because I am not here to play on flukes, I am here to conquer.

welcome to CSV2 world.