-Polkadot, the creator of blockchain, says 1

use case is essential for mass adoption of blockchain.1Gavin Wood, creator of #Polkadot , says in a new #interview with macro guru Raul Pal's podcast that identity proofing, or the mechanism that digitally confirms a person's membership in humanity, could be the killer #blockchain application that will drive mass adoption.

Over the past few years, I've come to the conclusion that blockchain has so far mastered the scale of value, which is basically just money. They haven't mastered the concept of identity, which is what we rely on in our daily lives for almost everything.

Before you go to the store, buy major computer equipment and spend over £1,000, they will be convinced that you are a person. You don't notice it, but it's a necessary element of modern society, at least in the West.

Wood goes on to point out how widespread #ID is in Western society, but it is unclear how necessary it is for the government to verify who is and who is not a person.

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