Friends hallo every one. Let us get it clear.

There are notable and worthy benefits to using Bitcoin directly rather than through an ETF:

1. Potential for Higher Returns:

- By holding Bitcoin directly, investors can potentially capture the full upside of the cryptocurrency's price movements, without the drag of ETF fees.

- This always leads to higher returns for holders who are taking their freedom back of direct Bitcoin ownership.

2. Self-Custody and Control:

- Holding Bitcoin directly gives investors full control and self-custody of their digital assets.

- This allows investors to manage their Bitcoin holdings according to their own security practices and investment strategies.

- With an ETF, the fund manager maintains custody of the underlying Bitcoin, which is really viewed as a drawback.

3. Potential for Yield Generation:

- Bitcoin held directly can be used for activities like lending, staking, or participating in decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols to generate yield.

- ETF holders do not have these opportunities to earn additional returns on their Bitcoin holdings.

4. Tax Benefits:

- Depending on local tax laws, directly holding and trading Bitcoin may allow for more favorable tax treatment compared to investing in a Bitcoin ETF.

- This can include the ability to claim capital gains/losses on Bitcoin transactions.

5. Early Adoption Advantages:

- Direct Bitcoin usage allows investors to be early adopters and participants in the evolving cryptocurrency ecosystem.

- This can provide a sense of empowerment and engagement with the technology that may be less accessible through a regulated ETF.

Of course, these benefits of direct Bitcoin use come with added self discipline, such as the need for technical know-how,

The optimal choice between a Bitcoin ETF and direct Bitcoin usage does not really depends on the investor's goals, risk tolerance, and technical expertise but rather I think our Big brother wants a piece of the pie and control of the pie.

What do you think?