#ENA Hello guys, after a research on the coin especially on the current price fluctuation towards bearish , people are in panic and selling out their assets quickly. In this situation i want to tell you that there is nothing wrong with this coin just have patience, it is only reacting due ro the following reasons:

1. As it touched to 1 after much struggle so people booked their profits and went away after selling

2. Market is much volatile as you can see all three big coins are suffering

3. The main reason is the airdrop which is given in the start of this month and worst of this ena was standing after that on strong footings, so people sold the easy money ruthlessly, here supply increased and demand went down

But now not to worry because the effect of extra supply has almost eliminated and ena has gone into wallets of whales. Moreover, ena is a strong project with a strong backup, it will definitely rebound as it has tested the nerves a-lot mean the spring is pushed down very harshly t its maximum limits. They will win only who will have patience. So keep patience and my request to hold this coin for reaping the good benefits