Linea, a well-known Ethereum L2 solution focusing on flexibility and scalability for dApps, has recently experienced an attack. The platform disclosed that the malicious actor attempted to circumvent the issuers and get attestations, leading to strict subsequent action by Linea. The company revealed this event in a series of posts on its official account on X.

wen LXP for Linea Park?The team is working to make the LXP mint happen soon. Here's why it's taking longer than normal, and how our extra efforts are geared to protect the interests of our community.

— Linea (@LineaBuild) May 11, 2024

Linea Identifies an Attack in which the Malicious Actor Bypassed Issuers and Got Attestations

The firm noted that it is making significant efforts to ensure security. In this respect, it felt it necessary to halt the distribution of its native token $LXP. It mentioned that the community played a significant role in the whole episode of identifying the culprit. In addition to this, the company brought to the front its team’s endeavors to restore the operations. For this purpose, the firm expressed the expectation that the minting of $LXP would soon return to normal.

Nonetheless, it also clarified that the respective procedure is taking more time than usual. As per Linea, the LXP coin works as a non-transferable token. The respective quality of the token guarantees that it moves toward the authentic people before the mint operation. It added that the company is paying great attention to this to minimize the concerns of the clients.

According to Linea, the firm is conducting its investigation in collaboration with Verax and the issuers of PoH. Hence, it intends to do this for the revocation of attestations regarding malicious addresses. While persuading the community toward its platform Linea noted that it provides room for the progress of the communities.

The Company Discourages the Bot Activities

In this way, it added, the platform reportedly prefers humans over bots. It also pointed out that its project gathers builders and users of cutting-edge products. However, the firm issued a warning against the bots. It added that it won’t ever encourage the efforts of the bots.