About six hours ago, an individual created a new Ethereum address, "0xd9A1b0B1e1aE382DbDc898Ea68012FfcB2853a91," and initiated a transaction by transferring 0.05 ETH to this new address.

Unfortunately, a scammer took advantage of the situation by generating an address with identical starting and ending letters and transferred 0 ETH to it, causing this transfer to appear in the individual's transaction history.

Since many wallets mask the central part of addresses with "..." for a better user interface, the individual, when trying to transfer WBTC to his new address, inadvertently copied the scammer's generated address, as the two addresses shared the same starting and ending letters.

As a result, the individual mistakenly sent 1,155 WBTC (equivalent to $71 million) to the scammer's address.

Address: 0x1E227979f0b5BC691a70DEAed2e0F39a6F538FD5

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