Investing at a young age is the key to a financially safe future. If you feel that you’ve missed the starting gun and that you’re too old to invest, there’s no better time to start than today. Investing doesn’t have to be boring, though. You can invest in things you have an interest in, whether that’s a precious mineral stock because you’re a rock hound or iGaming platforms because you like to gamble. Turning one of your hobbies or interests into a financially secure future kills two birds with one stone, as you get to enjoy your interest on another level while striving to be financially safe. This quick write up should help you determine if Indian iGaming platforms make sense as an investment vehicle for you.

How to Get Started Investing in the Indian iGaming Market

There are a few trails you can take, but we will cover the two most common ones savvy investors take to get into the Indian iGaming market. The first way is to build up your own iGaming platform. It will require a lot of days spent on conference calls, frustrating moments, and dedication. You might not see returns for a while. This is a very attractive approach, however, as you will either own the platform wholly or partially if you go in on it with other investors. You’ll need to consider things such as software providers, licensing, security, development, advertising, and much, much more. There’s a lot that goes into running a business, let alone one as complex as an iGaming platform. Rules and regulations are popping up left and right and customers demand a lot from their favorite sites. You should really only consider this option if you have a solid team supporting you or have experience with online business or the casino industry.

The other option is to find someone attempting to do the above themselves. Starting an Indian iGaming platform isn’t easy — nor cheap. They will need startup capital to build the infrastructure needed to service players as well as to secure the games for the platform. This can be risky, however, as just as if you started an iGaming platform yourself, it’s not guaranteed to succeed and you may not receive a return for a while.

Instead, you can find an already established site looking for investors or partners. Look for well established sites by reading a review the best casino options in India and noting what sites are the most popular. These sites will already be up and running, giving you a chance to delve into their business and see if it’s profitable, what needs to be changed, and where it’s all headed in the coming years. Look for sites that have steady growth in users as well as revenue. Ideally, they’re already returning a profit, but that isn’t always the case. Remember, profit doesn’t inherently equal value. Twitter sold for $44 billion despite only making a profit for two years between 2012 and 2021. 

The iGaming Market

Online gambling is an absolute monster of a market, with revenues in the billions every quarter. India also happens to be the largest growing mobile game market, and is expected to continue for years to come. You might think the market has been cornered, that there’s no room for another iGaming platform, but you’d be wrong. There are new online casinos popping up left and right, with each one trying to make a name for themselves. You might also think the market is swamped, but good online casinos and iGaming sites are hard for players to come by. Players are often leaving sites, looking for new ones that actually care about their players. Likewise, there is always a wave of innovation, and if you can ride it into shore, you’ll stand out among the crowd and secure a chunk of this billion-dollar industry.

The Next Wave in Indian iGaming

As mentioned earlier, riding the innovation wave is a great way to stand out from other Indian iGaming platforms and draw customers to your platform, increasing the value of your investment. Whether you are going to invest in a platform from the ground up or invest in an already established site, you might want to keep your eye on two key areas — AR and VR. Both techs offer immense potential for the online casino market. 

Think about it. iGaming is all about bringing the atmosphere and fun of a brick and mortar casino directly to your client’s home or mobile device. And what better way to do that than to offer a fully immersive casino, either in AR or VR, where your players can place wagers, chat, and explore your iGaming platform? We’ve already seen this done in VR Chat, where users can play poker with others at a table in real-time for virtual chips. Even companies like Meta are making a VR pivot. Now, extrapolate that to playing blackjack with live dealers, or perhaps they can walk away from the table and head over to roulette just next door. The possibilities are virtually (get it?) endless when it comes to immersive VR and AR.