Now the BORING part begins!

All the excitement about the Bitcoin Havling and now what?! NOTHING!

This phase, I call the BORING PHASE - and the most difficult of all the Phases (Okay Profit Taking Phase is probably the most difficult but that is another post for another day).

In the Boring Phase, NOTHING happens, everything is just stagnant; BTC is ranging, entire market is choppy and sideways- No break to the UPside nor to the Downside.

Your ALTs are still dancing at the bottom after being halved by the recent dump. Few Memecoins are pumping but nothing major for the entire market to be excited about.

YOU HAVE ONE Single job in the BORING Phase - DO NOTHING! Don't get shaken out, don't panic, don't fret! Stay focused. In a few weeks to months, you will wake up and will not believe your eyes.

Of course if you have some stables DCA into your high conviction plays and leave some stables on the side for any new opportunities or should any news, push the market a little lower.

You survived the biggest Altcoin crash of the year, last week, You have made it. DO NOT get emotional nor impatient, we are about to get rich beyond our wildest dreams!

FOCUS on the next 9-12 Months! That is your ONLY job.

Happy weekend!