🚀 Bitget's Q1 2024 report is out and it's all sunshine and rainbows! 🌈 Futures trading volume hit a whopping $1.4T (up 146%) and spot trading volume surged 113% to over $160B.

Bitget's biggest growth spurt? Derivatives market share in March, up 2.4%. This pushed them to the third spot in derivatives trading platforms by volume. First time since Dec they've hit this high!

🌍 With 25M users worldwide, Bitget's not just playing, they're slaying! Their native token BGB? Surpassed 1 in Feb and its market cap is now a cool $1.5B. Since 2023, BGB's gains are 434%, even outdoing BTC.

Bitget's MD, Gracy Chen, is all about enhancing their spot market offerings this year. More power to the crypto ecosystem! 🚀

New tokens listed? 186 of them, with Solana meme coin Dogwifhat (WIF) and rollup utility token Altlayer (ALT) raking in 1,000% gains.

And the team? Grew from 1,100 to 1,500 employees.

What do you think about Bitget's Q1 performance? Sound off in the comments! #Bitget #CryptoNews