#Binance currently offers 380+ tokens

Calculating the current price from bottom:

🔹Around 32 tokens saw 10x growth

🔸75+ tokens surged 5x to 10x

🔸125+ tokens grew 3x to 5x

🔸85+ tokens gained 2x to 4x

🔸35+ tokens failed to double

(Notable under-performers include: Atom, Psg, Juv, ACM, KNC, BAR, City, Bat, IOST, ATM, VIC, EOS, Dash, Alpaca, Bifi, Troy, XLM, Kava, Ape, $RDNT , BAL, PIVX, GMX, CRV, GTC, Sand, Audio, $HOOK , Mana, LTC & $HFT )

A few low-tech and fan tokens have not grown much in the last six months. Now, the market is taking some corrections and many altcoins are going down.

Tokens mentioned above are not recommended for trading advice. Please do your own research before investing.