Unveiling the Technical Marvel: Journey from Haqq Network to the Cosmos

At the heart of the Haqq Network lies the robust Cosmos SDK,a framework celebrated for its versatility in constructing application-specific blockchains.With its modular approach,the Cosmos SDK enables the creation of Haqq on a foundation of composable modules,without the need to fork the core.

Tendermint Core,a consensus engine ensuring security and consistency,acts as the celestial guide for Haqq's transactions.Its Byzantine Fault Tolerance guarantees the network's resilience even in the face of potential node failures or malicious actions, offering a secure and consistent transaction log visible to every non-faulty node.

Haqq's ambition extends beyond its individual existence,embracing interoperability with other blockchain networks through the Inter-Blockchain Communication Protocol (IBC). This protocol allows Haqq to communicate seamlessly with other IBC-compatible networks,creating a vast interconnected cosmos of blockchain ecosystems.

Recognizing the expansive developer community of Ethereum,Haqq strategically aligns itself with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) compatibility.Leveraging components of Evmos,Haqq ensures equivalence with the EVM,offering developers a familiar programming language and toolset.

Evmos,an evolution of the Ethermint project, brings EVM compatibility to the Cosmos SDK, creating a bridge that enables projects built on Ethereum or other EVM-compatible networks to effortlessly transition to Haqq without the need for code rewrites.

In its pursuit of ethical and Shariah-compliant practices,Haqq introduces the Shariah Oracle, an on-chain registry of Halal Certificates.This innovative mechanism,coupled with community oversight and Shariah Board approval,ensures that only Shariah-compliant smart contracts find their way into the Haqq Wallet.

For more information visit https://haqq.network

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