UK Court Freezes Craig Wright's Assets Amid Satoshi Nakamoto Claim Dispute

A UK court has approved a freeze on £6 million ($7.6 million) of Craig Wright's assets, aiming to prevent him from dodging court fees related to his contested claim of being #Satoshi Nakamoto, the founder of Bitcoin. This action follows Wright's transfer of assets abroad subsequent to a court ruling that refuted his claim to the identity of Nakamoto.

Notably, Wright moved shares from his London-based company, RCJBR Holding, to a Singapore company on March 18. Judge James Mellor highlighted concerns from the Crypto Open Patent Alliance (COPA) regarding Wright's attempts to escape the financial repercussions of his trial loss. Consequently, the judge granted a 'worldwide freezing order' as requested by COPA, covering the alliance's legal costs totaling $8,471,225 (£6,703,747.91).

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