Before we start and dive in to the article I want to thank for all my subscribers this is very important for me and motivates me to write more and more.Lets’ start

I have the feelings that this Airdrop will will be huge.

New generation Telegram wallet is launched.🤑🤑😱📢✅

▸ Fully on-chain wallet ▸ Non custodial ▸ Inside every telegram account The centerpiece of the new ecosystem will be $HOT

. HOT will be distributed to early users, to start mining just create an account!

you can join from Telegram Desktop APP or Mobile app on you Phone

HOT is community based token and all people have same chances to Mine as much as they can.If you engage more people to the ecosystem you will receive additional % of $Hot tokens mined by your friends.If you start early you have more chances to Mine more!!

Ok lets start

First you need to have Telegram App installed

you can install it from here

you need a phone with acctual number to create and account.

I higghly suggest to Download Telegram for Androind and after that you can Download Desktop version or simply stay on mobile version is up to you

you can link your telgram mobile to desktop app all instructions are on their site so im don’t gonna post it here.

Phone & Desktop version simply paste this link to web browser.


You will be prombted to Create new account in Telegram Wallet

save your seed phase and login to your account

then you can create you unique account name its like a Metamask adress.

For example my name is

you can immidietly claim first 0.01 Hot token and start mining.

This is how it looks like currently in my app:

After your account is created you can join my Village to earn 5% more Hot tokens

I will explain a little bit now about the Mining.

below you can see your Hot balance and Storage status.

after storage is full you can claim your Hot token by simply clik on storage icon and claim button.First claim is free so you don’t need to pay gas fees.

Tips:Click on storage and click on gas section.

Complete social tasks to get more gas free HOT claims.

As you can see the last task is to Deposit NEAR token.

you can deposit 0.5 or more near token from you NEAR Wallet or CEX account

.tg adresses are support now by few exchanges.

After you have Deposited NEAR into your wallet go to Sorage/bost.

Go to Boxes and Missions.

By completing this missions you gain Mining speed.

after you download Mobile app you need to import your TG wallet account to it with your seed phrase .

you can also upgrade storage to claim less offen.

Thats it from my site I hope everything is clear for you.

Have a fun with Mining and follow my Medium channel.
