If this is a sample of what a single Binance Angel can do, imagine what we are doing among the 500 of us as the big family we are.

Current primary Focus

  • Moderate and help users in Telegram Binance Spain https://t.me/Binance_ESP

  • Help at Meetups in Spain (Valencia, Madrid, Sevilla, MĂĄlaga, online

  • Internal Spanish/European/World Angels online monthly meetings and groups.

  • Help Binance Live (with reports, feedback, moderation and participation)

  • Write Posts, Articles and share feedback to Binance Feed. https://www.binance.com/en/feed/profile/62732248

  • Translate Discord Binance NFT announcements into Spanish & moderate (soon) https://discord.com/invite/binancenft

As part of the staff supporting Binance Events and/or talking about Binance Angels Program

  • 1st Spanish Binance Angels Meeting in Barcelona (January 2022)

  • Binance Booth at Mobile World Congress Barcelona (January 2022)

  • Marketing Swag team and Binance Live streaming Binance Blockchain Week Dubai (March 2022)

  • CZ meeting in Madrid where I was also able to sit next to him at lunchtime (April 2022)

  • Paris Binance 5th Anniversary activities invited as Binance Angel of the Year content creator artist (July 2022)

  • Binance Meetup Valencia (February 2023) https://www.binance.com/es/live/video?roomId=2122412

  • Binance Meetup Madrid (March 2023) https://www.binance.com/es/live/video?roomId=2127764

  • Binance Meetup Sevilla (April 2023) https://www.binance.com/es/live/video?roomId=2132186

  • Binance Meetup MĂĄlaga (May 2023)

  • Feedback for future events.

Videos & posts

  • Mini masterclass Binance Earn (June 2021) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZVZ_pigLGcU

  • Webinar NFTs (July 2021) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wJ8xPwjmCRc

  • Creator content articles about NFTs, IGO, Earn, how to send and deposit NFTs. Won some Top 10 awards as Binance Content Creator (September – December 2021).

  • Bootcamp (Earn section) in Spanish. (January 2022)

  • 5 consejos para artistas NFT. Latin Fest (July 2022) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nV88vu9qCBg&t=4394s

  • Fifth-Anniversary Awards Winners Binance Angel (July 2022) https://www.binance.com/en/blog/community/binance-announces-its-fifthanniversary-awards-winners-6773093929042158114

  • Stories from around the Globe – Becoming a Binance Angel (September 2022) https://www.binance.com/en/blog/community/stories-from-around-the-globe--becoming-a-binance-angel-1721428145156646660

  • WomenÂŽs International Day, roundtable in Spanish (March 2023) https://www.binance.com/es/live/video?roomId=2125284

  • Journey of becoming a Woman creator in Crypto, Binance Live (March 2023) https://www.binance.com/en/live/video?roomId=2125255

  • Easter Holy Week information for Binance Angels Monthly call (April 2023)

Previous main focus

  • Give lot of feedback and moderate Binance NFTs https://t.me/binancenfts

  • Twitter space Crypto show Twitter Binance Español https://twitter.com/BinanceES

  • Telegram voice chats in Spain, Spanish, NFT Spanish.

Sometimes, although less often now

  • Moderate in Telegram Binance Spanish Latam https://t.me/BinanceSpanish

  • Moderate in Binance NFT Spanish https://t.me/BinanceNFTes

  • Moderate in Binance NFT Discord https://discord.gg/binancenft

  • Help and participate in chats in Binance Discord https://discord.gg/binanceofficial

  • Helped a lot with feedback and moderate Featured Market https://t.me/featurednft

  • Help and ban scammers in Trust Wallet Spanish https://t.me/trustwallet_es

  • Check Binance NFT Marketplace https://t.me/BinanceNFT_Marketplace

  • Twitch in Binance Spanish https://www.twitch.tv/binance_official

  • Feedback for Binance Earn, Binance Gifts, Scam hunters, Charity.

  • Help, moderate, check information from Affiliate Bootcamp and Graduates.

  • Photos, videos, tweets & RT for Binance Card, Anniversary, Binance Travel, etc.

  • Be an NFT artist on Binance NFT marketplace before opening to everyone.

  • Make some Chibi Bibi AngelÂŽs drawings to explain about Launchpool vs Launchpad, KYC, good manners in telegram, Earn & Savings, Chibi avatars


  • NFT, Bitcoin, Blockchain
 Platzi courses (August 2021) https://platzi.com/

  • Affiliate Reward Bootcamp: Go from Rookie to Crypto Influencer (March 2022) https://www.binance.com/en/blog/community/affiliate-rewards-bootcamp-go-from-rookie-to-crypto-influencer-421499824684903559

  • Binance & Founderz Master Blockchain (November 2022) https://founderz.com/program/online-master-blockchain-web3

  • Web3 Mastery BNB Chain Latam (February 2023)

  • Web3, tokenization & Metaverse, Blockchain MĂĄlaga (March 2023)

  • FormaciĂłn e InversiĂłn with FĂ©lix Fuertes (March 2023) https://formacioneninversion.com/  

New Job

  • Part of the Community Manager staff of web3 NFT ritestream.io (since September 2022)  

From May 2021 to 2023. This is what I have done “just” 2 years, and now
 what®s next? ^______^

#feedfeverchallenge #Binanceangels

Do you want to be a Binance Angel?

If you identify with these three points:

  1. You are passionate about crypto, especially about Binance

  2. For whatever reason, you like to help other people

  3. You talk and/or write a lot XDDD

It's voluntary, I do what I want and what I can, and you?




Apply now: https://jobs.lever.co/binance/cd108578-1fc7-4a29-a8a8-49dcd179007c