Trading and Fishing: Two Games, One Philosophy

1. Patience - The Golden Key:

Fishing: Whether you catch a fish depends on your patience. No matter how good the bait is, the fish won't bite if you give up too soon.

Trading: The market constantly fluctuates, with unexpected "waves". Sticking to your strategy and calmly analyzing the market is the key to "harvesting" profits.

2. Patience - The Art of Waiting:

Fishing: Fish don't bite immediately, you need to be patient and wait for the right moment.

Trading: Profit doesn't come overnight. Patience to wait for opportunities and making orders at the right time are key to success.

3. Skills - Continuous Improvement:

Fishing: Fishing techniques, bait, choosing the right location... all need to be learned and practiced.

Trading: Knowledge of technical analysis, money management, trading psychology... are essential skills for every trader.

4. Luck - The Spice of the Game:

Fishing: Sometimes, even if you are well prepared, you can still "go home empty-handed" because luck doesn't smile on you.

Trading: The market always contains an element of luck. However, good preparation will help you increase your winning rate.

5. Enjoying the reward:

Fishing: You smile happily with the reward after waiting for so long.

Trading: Profit from the market is a wonderful reward for your perseverance and effort.

Some people compare trading to a "casino", but for me, it is an exciting intellectual game. Patience, perseverance, skill training and a little bit of luck - that's the secret to "catching" profits from this volatile market.

Remember, trading is not for the impatient. Be patient like a seasoned "fisherman", you will succeed!

This is my opinion, what about you? Share your thoughts below.

Wish you a trading day with lots of profits!



