$#TON A ton is a unit of weight that can have different values depending on the system of measurement. In the U.S. customary system, one ton is equal to 2,000 pounds or about 907 kilograms. In the British imperial system, one ton is equal to 2,240 pounds or about 1,016 kilograms. In the metric system, one tonne (also spelled ton) is equal to 1,000 kilograms or about 2,205 pounds. ¹
A ton can also be used as a unit of volume, energy, power, or speed in some contexts. For example, a ton of refrigeration is a unit of power that measures how much heat can be removed from a given space in a given time. A ton of TNT is a unit of energy that measures the explosive force of a certain amount of trinitrotoluene. Doing a ton is a slang expression that means driving at 100 miles per hour. ²
A ton can also be used informally to mean a large amount or quantity of something. For example, one might say "I have tons of homework to do" or "She brought her ton up with a huge six" (in cricket, a ton means 100 runs scored by a batter). ²³.