The blockchain landscape is constantly in flux, with new technologies emerging to address the challenges of scalability and user experience. Polygon has been at the forefront of this innovation, and its latest development, the Polygon 2.0 protocol, is setting a new standard. The protocol’s defining feature is the introduction of the POL token, as detailed by blockchain experts Mihailo Bjelic, Sandeep Nailwal, Amit Chaudhary, and Wenxuan Deng. The Polygon 2.0 Whitepaper is a roadmap for integrating POL as the essential currency of an expansive network designed to facilitate value exchange over the Internet with unprecedented efficiency.

The whitepaper’s vision is clear: to create a seamless environment for value to move as freely as information does in the digital age, fostering new, more democratic forms of social and economic structures. With POL, Polygon envisions bridging the current gaps in blockchain technology to offer a more scalable, secure, and user-friendly platform. The document compares the proposed token with the foundational technologies of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other blockchain giants, highlighting POL’s potential to enhance the ecosystem’s capabilities.

Background and Analysis of Relevant Work

The cryptocurrency landscape has seen a transformative evolution with the advent of Bitcoin, which introduced the world to decentralized finance. Bitcoin’s primary utility comes from its role in miner rewards and transaction fees, which not only incentivize the network’s security but also prevent spam. Its predictable supply schedule has been a critical feature, making it an attractive asset for value capture and investment.

Ethereum marked the next significant phase in blockchain evolution by enabling smart contracts, which expanded the blockchain’s utility beyond simple transactions to complex programmable operations. However, Ethereum’s scalability challenges prompted the exploration of Layer 2 solutions designed to enhance transaction capacity without sacrificing the network’s decentralized security. Polygon’s new architecture, which includes the POL token, aims to address these challenges by supporting a diverse range of blockchain applications and configurations.

Cosmos and Polkadot represent further advancements in the blockchain space, with their respective tokens, ATOM and DOT, facilitating staking, rewards, and governance across their networks. However, the utility of ATOM is within the Cosmos Hub, and it faces sustainability issues in ecosystem support. In contrast, DOT is used across the Polkadot ecosystem and is designed without a supply cap, addressing some of the security and sustainability concerns present in Cosmos.

Aave’s shift to the AAVE token from LEND exemplifies the successful transition to a governance model that empowers token holders with decision-making authority. This transition is particularly relevant to POL’s design, which seeks to incorporate lessons from the governance experiences of other tokens.

The POL whitepaper articulates the need for a token that underpins ecosystem security, scalability, and continuous development, all while minimizing user friction. POL is proposed as a cornerstone for securing and coordinating the Polygon ecosystem, which aligns with its ambition to become the Value Layer of the Internet. By situating POL within the broader context of blockchain development, the whitepaper underscores the token’s potential to address the current market’s needs and positions it as a next-generation asset for the emerging Web3 paradigm.

Design Goals for POL

The POL whitepaper outlines five critical design goals that underpin the development of the POL token within the Polygon ecosystem. These goals ensure the long-term viability and success of the network.

Ecosystem Security: The security of the Polygon ecosystem is paramount. POL will incentivize validators to join and maintain the integrity of the network while disincentivizing malicious actions. Validator staking with POL increases the security of the ecosystem by preventing Sybil attacks, aligning validators’ interests with the success of the ecosystem, and enabling the punishment of malicious validators through slashing.

Infinite Scalability: POL will support the exponential growth of the Polygon ecosystem and the broader vision of a “hyperblockchainization” of the world. The token is a key component in enabling the validator pool to scale and support thousands of Polygon chains, facilitating the network’s ability to host billions of users and millions of Web3 applications.

Ecosystem Support: Recognizing that Polygon is a global network in its early stages of adoption and development, POL is designed to provide ongoing economic support. Establishing a Community Treasury funded by a predetermined emission of POL introduces a self-sustaining mechanism for financing the ecosystem’s growth. This treasury is governed by the community, ensuring increased decentralization and transparency.

Minimal Friction: To enhance user and developer experience, POL minimizes friction. Blockchain networks often require stakeholders to hold, stake, or consume native tokens to participate, which can be a barrier to entry. POL aims to eliminate such barriers, facilitating a seamless interaction with the network.

Community Ownership and Governance: The vision for Polygon is a decentralized network governed by its community. By assigning governance rights to POL holders, the token enables the creation of governance models where decision-makers receive rewards to act in the best interest of the ecosystem. The governance process for POL and the wider Polygon governance framework will be community-driven, reflecting the decentralized ethos of the network.

These design goals collectively aim to position POL as a foundational asset for the Polygon ecosystem, ensuring it is secure, scalable, and community-focused. The tokenomics and governance models proposed reflect a commitment to these principles, setting the stage for POL to facilitate the next generation of blockchain technology.

Utility of POL

The utility of POL within the Polygon ecosystem is multifaceted, serving as the backbone for validator operations, governance, and community engagement. Here’s POL’s utility across different functions:

Validator Staking and Rewards: Validators on the Polygon network must stake POL as a commitment to the network’s integrity. This staking mechanism serves multiple purposes: it secures the network against Sybil attacks, aligns validator incentives with the ecosystem’s success, and punishes malicious behavior through slashing. Validators who stake POL become eligible to validate transactions on the network, and in return, they receive rewards. These rewards are distributed proportionally to the amount of POL staked, ensuring fair and incentivized participation across the network.

Governance Functions: POL holders have governance rights, which allow them to participate in the decision-making processes that shape the ecosystem’s future. This governance model will be community-driven, ensuring that those with a stake in the network have a say in its operation and development. The governance process will be transparent and inclusive, fostering a sense of ownership and responsibility among the community members.

Staking Layer: The Staking Layer is a critical component of the Polygon architecture, acting as a multi-chain coordinator. It manages a registry of validators and the chain’s subscriptions, as well as a registry of the various Polygon chains and their configurations. The Staking Layer’s programmability is crucial, allowing it to support multiple chain configurations and validator operations, including staking derivatives and other supporting applications.

Community Treasury: The Community Treasury is an in-protocol, community-governed fund designed to provide economic support for the ongoing development of the Polygon ecosystem. Funded by a predetermined emission of POL, the Treasury will receive a 1% annual emission rate, translating to approximately 100 million POL, which the contract will lock for ten years. This structure ensures that the ecosystem has the necessary financial support to sustain its growth and development over a significant period.

The design of POL as a utility token is a testament to Polygon’s commitment to creating a secure, scalable, and community-oriented ecosystem. By enabling validator staking and rewards, governance participation, and the operation of the Staking Layer, as well as by establishing the Community Treasury, POL will play a pivotal role in advancing the Polygon network and its position within the broader Web3 landscape.

POL Tokenomics and Migration Strategy

The financial framework of POL intentionally aligns with the ambitious trajectory of the Polygon network. With an inaugural supply mirroring that of MATIC at a substantial 10 billion tokens, the transition to POL is engineered for simplicity and ease, ensuring a direct and efficient token exchange for current holders.

The strategic shift from MATIC to POL is a calculated step towards refining the network’s capabilities. By adopting POL, Polygon aims to enhance its infrastructure to support expansive growth and fortified security. The swap from MATIC to POL isn’t merely a token exchange but a pivotal upgrade to advance Polygon’s infrastructure as a leading platform in the digital economy.

The conversion process is tailored for accessibility, catering to various MATIC stakeholders. Holders managing their tokens can exchange their MATIC for POL through a bespoke smart contract designed for this purpose. Those with MATIC stored on centralized platforms can expect an automated conversion, ensuring a hassle-free transition. The inclusive design of the swap mechanism accounts for various holding patterns, including long-term staking in DeFi protocols, with a generous timeframe to facilitate a comprehensive migration.

An economic model underscores the transition strategy, confirming that POL can sustain the network’s security and provide ample incentives for validators. This model projects the critical financial indicators for a POL-centric ecosystem, validating the structural integrity and strategic foresight of the token’s introduction. The simulation’s affirmative outcome reinforces the confidence in POL’s financial model to meet the network’s stringent security and scalability benchmarks.

POL’s emission strategy is also a testament to the network’s forward-thinking approach, with a fixed emission schedule that promises stability and a potential for increased value over time. The annual 1% emission for validator inducements is a deliberate move to attract and maintain a robust validator cohort, essential for network reliability and performance.

Emission Policy and Economic Model

The POL emission policy is with the foresight that the Polygon ecosystem and the broader Web3 space will mature over time, potentially within a decade. During this critical phase, the ecosystem’s need for economic support will be high. The emission rate is thus calibrated to provide sufficient resources for validators and the ecosystem without leading to excessive token dilution, which could compromise security.

Validator rewards are a key application of the emission policy, designed to attract and retain network validators. By ensuring a steady flow of incentives, the policy aims to maintain a robust and secure network, which is essential for the ecosystem’s health and the trust of its users. The POL tokens emitted for validator rewards serve as a base protocol reward, aligning the validators’ interests with the ecosystem’s success and providing them with a reliable income stream.

The Community Treasury, another beneficiary of the emission policy, is set up as a community-governed fund to support the ecosystem’s development and growth. The Treasury will receive a similar 1% annual emission, locked for a decade, ensuring that the ecosystem is well-funded and can sustain its expansion and innovation efforts. This setup allows the community to govern the use of funds, ensuring that decisions made are in the best interest of the network’s future.

The economic model that simulates the ecosystem’s performance under various scenarios backs the sustainability of the emission rates. This model helps validate the hypothesis that the proposed emission rates are sufficient to support the ecosystem without compromising its security. The model’s results are presented in the whitepaper, providing a transparent and data-driven basis for the emission policy.


The POL whitepaper presents a compelling blueprint for Polygon’s evolution into a more robust, scalable, and community-driven ecosystem. The strategic migration from MATIC to POL, backed by a thoughtful emission policy and economic model, is poised to fortify network security, incentivize validators, and foster ecosystem growth. With its clear design goals, utility, and tokenomics, POL will enhance the value layer of the internet and drive the widespread adoption of Web3. As the Polygon community looks to the future, introducing POL marks a significant milestone in the network’s journey towards decentralization and innovation, promising to unlock new possibilities in the blockchain space and beyond.