The cryptocurrency of Vitalik Buterin’s mother increased in price by 3 times in one day – the value of Metis reached $400 million

Natalya Amelina intends to spend part of the money of the fund entrusted to her to pay bonuses to the best startups in the Metis ecosystem.

Sometimes it seems like we know almost everything about rich and famous people. The press tells a short biography where the success story is more like a fairy tale, and numerous interviews suggest that anyone can become a billionaire. Tales often appear about the so-called garage, where current billionaires made their first capital.

In fact, it turns out that behind every billionaire there are millions of investments, and most often support comes from relatives. Agree that persuading your uncle or aunt to give you a couple of tens or even hundreds of millions of dollars to implement an insane plan is a difficult matter. But if you don’t have wealthy relatives, it will be much more difficult to break through. An example is Elon Musk, who received authorized capital from his parents. But sometimes reverse processes occur, which is what we will talk about today. 
All our readers know Vitalik . This is a rather interesting personality, and he himself quickly and easily achieved recognition and success. Not that his case is unique, but the guy really put in a lot of effort. The founder of Ethereum often appears in public, where he gives interviews, shares valuable knowledge with listeners and generally loves the press. At the same time, he also maintains his own blog, although recently interest in his project has dropped a little.
It seems that at some point his mother came to the bored Vitalik and asked him to come up with an interesting case for her. No sooner said than done. Let's not dig too deep, because the most interesting thing is in the numbers. So, Natalya Amelina is one of those who created the Metis (METIS) cryptocurrency. She is part of a team of several people and has significant weight in key decisions. 
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