According to PANews, the concept of 'chain abstraction' is emerging as a significant narrative in the blockchain industry, following the trend of modularization. The core reasons behind this development are multifaceted and stem from the inherent structure of blockchain technology, which includes layers such as consensus, execution, data availability (DA), interoperability, and settlement. Traditionally, monolithic blockchains had to integrate and optimize these layers comprehensively. However, modularization has disrupted this approach by allowing individual layers like DA and execution to be optimized separately, leading to a new paradigm in blockchain development. This modular approach has become a mainstream methodology for developers seeking to differentiate their blockchain projects, offering a cost-effective and narrative-driven strategy without the long-term concerns of ecosystem management. However, an overemphasis on modularization has led to an imbalance between infrastructure and applications, resulting in a surplus of infrastructure relative to applications. Chain abstraction aims to address this imbalance by reintegrating the fragmented blockchain components, enhancing user experience, and lowering the onboarding threshold for users, thereby driving application growth. In essence, chain abstraction complements modularization by addressing the ecosystem and application imbalance, making it an essential narrative for the next phase of blockchain development. Chain abstraction can be categorized into three main directions: tools and services for promoting compatibility among heterogeneous chains, creating intermediary chains to unify liquidity and serve as aggregation and scheduling centers, and developing unified user interaction layers to enhance user experience and lower participation barriers. Examples include Chainlink's CCIP for seamless blockchain integration, Polygon's agglayer for unified liquidity, and NEAR Protocol's BOS operating system for a unified user experience. These initiatives aim to expand the blockchain application market by providing seamless interaction and upgraded user experiences. Furthermore, the chain abstraction sector is more attractive to venture capital (VC) investors and is seen as a key area for the convergence of web2 and web3 technologies. The initial interest in account abstraction wallets, sparked by Ethereum's ERC4337, was driven by web2 executives entering the web3 space with funding. Chain abstraction builds on account abstraction by expanding its scope, making it a primary focus for individuals with extensive web2 experience and backgrounds. Unlike the purely conceptual approach of modularization, chain abstraction technology is more foundational, requiring teams to leverage industry resources, aggregate assets, and accumulate user data. This tangible approach allows VCs to provide more objective valuations and offers users a clearer view of the blockchain's value growth, leading to better investment valuation references in the secondary market.