According to Odaily, Charles Edward, the founder of the digital asset hedge fund Capriole Investments, has suggested that Mt.Gox, the infamous cryptocurrency exchange, may have started repaying its creditors. Edward disclosed data indicating a significant movement of Bitcoin on the blockchain, with the volume of movement being ten times higher than the previous peak. This suggests that the distribution from Mt.Gox may indeed have begun.

The Mt.Gox exchange, once the largest Bitcoin exchange in the world, collapsed in 2014 after a massive hack that resulted in the loss of 850,000 Bitcoins. The exchange has since been in a long and complex legal process to repay its creditors. The recent movement of Bitcoin on the blockchain, as indicated by Edward, could be a sign that the repayment process has finally started.

However, it is important to note that this information is based on Edward's interpretation of the data and has not been officially confirmed by Mt.Gox or any other official source. Therefore, while the data suggests a significant movement of Bitcoin, it is not definitive proof that Mt.Gox has begun its repayment process. Further updates and official confirmations are awaited to provide a clearer picture of the situation.