According to BlockBeats, Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin has expressed on social media that market predictions and community notes are emerging as the two major social cognition technologies of the 2020s. These technologies, centered around the pursuit of truth and democracy, emphasize open public participation rather than pre-selected elite construction. Buterin anticipates seeing more similar innovative developments in the future.

These technologies are not just about the pursuit of truth and democracy, but also about the democratization of information. They emphasize the importance of open public participation, rather than being built by a pre-selected elite. This is a significant shift from the traditional way of doing things, where information and decision-making power are often concentrated in the hands of a few.

Buterin's comments reflect a growing trend in the tech world, where there is a push for more transparency, openness, and public participation. This is particularly relevant in the blockchain and cryptocurrency industry, where decentralization and democratization of information are key principles. As one of the pioneers in this field, Buterin's views carry significant weight and his anticipation of more similar innovative developments in the future is a positive sign for the industry.