According to BlockBeats, Movement co-founder Rushi Manche announced on June 27 that the private testnet of Movement has been launched to selected teams. The announcement was made on a social media platform, marking a significant step in the development of the project.

The launch of the private testnet is a crucial phase in the project's lifecycle, allowing the selected teams to test and provide feedback on the platform before it is made available to the public. This is a common practice in the tech industry, ensuring that any potential issues are identified and addressed before a wider release.

Rushi Manche, the co-founder of Movement, has been instrumental in the project's development. His announcement of the private testnet launch indicates the progress the team has made and their commitment to delivering a robust and reliable platform.

Further details about the private testnet, including the teams selected for testing and the expected timeline for public release, were not provided in the announcement. As the project continues to develop, more information is expected to be released.