According to BlockBeats, on June 19, QCP Capital announced that the ETH spot price had significantly rebounded from the early market low of $3,400, with implied volatility rising to 65% at the front end. Despite the uncertainty surrounding the acceptance of the ETH spot ETF, if it can capture 10-20% of the Bitcoin ETF flow, it could potentially push ETH to break through $4,000.

The rebound in the ETH spot price indicates a positive market response, despite the early market low. The rise in implied volatility suggests increased market activity and potential for further price movements.

The acceptance of the ETH spot ETF remains uncertain, but the potential to capture a significant portion of the Bitcoin ETF flow could provide a substantial boost to the ETH price. If the ETH spot ETF can capture 10-20% of the Bitcoin ETF flow, this could potentially push the ETH price to break the $4,000 mark. This would represent a significant milestone for ETH and could potentially lead to further price increases in the future.