According to Odaily, Starknet, a decentralized network, has announced that over 300,000 .stark domains have been minted under the protocol. These domains have been seamlessly integrated into more than 30 protocols on Starknet, including those related to Decentralized Finance (DeFi), gaming, and more. is a protocol for identity and domain on the Starknet ecosystem. The minting and integration of these .stark domains represent a significant milestone for the network, demonstrating its growing adoption and the increasing utility of its ecosystem.

The integration of these domains into various protocols on Starknet, particularly those related to DeFi and gaming, underscores the versatility and potential of the network. It also highlights the growing trend of domain minting in the blockchain space, which is seen as a crucial step towards ensuring the security and privacy of users on decentralized networks.

This development is expected to further enhance the functionality and user experience on the Starknet network, paving the way for more innovative applications and services in the future.