According to Odaily, F(x)Protocol has announced changes to its fee structure in an effort to find a perfect balance between the minting and redemption fees of fxUSD, rUSD, and btcUSD. The platform has temporarily reduced the minting fee to 0% and increased the redemption fee to 0.5%.

The absence of a minting fee is expected to boost the Total Value Locked (TVL), while the increased redemption fee should generate more profits for veFXN holders. The new exchange fees will take effect from 12 noon UTC on June 5.

F(x)Protocol's decision to adjust its fee structure is a strategic move aimed at optimizing the balance between minting and redemption fees. By eliminating the minting fee, the platform hopes to encourage more users to mint fxUSD, rUSD, and btcUSD. On the other hand, the increase in redemption fees is expected to incentivize veFXN holders with higher profits.

The new fee structure is set to take effect from 12 noon UTC on June 5. Users of the platform are advised to take note of these changes and adjust their operations accordingly.