According to Odaily, a collective lawsuit against OpenAI and Microsoft was dismissed by a judge in California, USA on Friday. The lawsuit accused the two companies of illegally using personal data to train artificial intelligence systems, including ChatGPT. The dismissal was due to the plaintiff's failure to provide a concise and clear statement.

US District Judge Vince Chhabria stated in his ruling that while the length of the complaint alone is unlikely to lead to a dismissal, it is appropriate to dismiss the lawsuit under Rule 8(a) when the complaint is too lengthy and contains a lot of irrelevant, distracting, or redundant information. He added that in addition to being lengthy, the complaint contained a lot of unnecessary and distracting allegations, making it almost impossible to determine whether the plaintiff's legal claims were sufficient.

However, the judge pointed out that the plaintiff has the right to amend the complaint, but if the amended complaint contains irrelevant information and interferes with the clear expression of relevant legal claims, the amended complaint will be dismissed.