🚨🚀 How is hashprice calculated in Bitcoin?
Hashprice is calculated as follows: (Total Hashrate in PH/s) / (Amount of Bitcoins mined each day + Transaction fees) x (Bitcoin Price in USD)
It allows us to calculate dollars divided by PH/s ($/PH/s).
Its opposite is the hashcost, which shows how much money is needed to generate one PH/s. It is stated in terms of how well an organization's ASIC fleet performs and how much power costs.
Hashcost is calculated as follows: (Average mining fleet efficiency in J/TH) x (cost of power in $/MWh) x (24 hours)
Additionally, dimensional analysis provides us with dollars split by PH/s ($/PH/s).
In conclusion, for hashcost to be lucrative, it must be less than hashprice.