$USUAL #usual
January 7th explanation from usual website 👇
Note: only USUALX holders will benefit from additional revenue (not Usual holders), this is revenue which is in the treasury and has not been distributed yet.
You need swap your USUAL for USUALX on the official website before the 7th of January (not sure exact time GMT).
How to do this?
Binance Web 3 Wallet
1. Create EVM address (ethereum)
2. Select ‘receive’
3. Select ‘from Binance exchange’
4. Import your Usual
Go to Usual official website
1. Connect Wallet by using ‘wallet connect’
2. Click on stake
3. Swap usual for usual x
4. Follow procedure until successful
You now have UsualX and will automatically receive rewards of around 245% APR + the new rewards on Jan 7th.
You’re welcome