@ThisMakesNoSe - this is how looking person who sold range low with lost 😆
I removed the ticker so you can’t say I am bad for community 😆
This guy is just spamming “$(Ticker) going down” under every post
How much time you spend doing all of this? It’s seems like pretty sad life man
Last time you shared those charts with downside we went up over 100%.
If you are that big man and trader, show me your P&L and let’s compare
You saying that #M87 will outperform $(Ticker)? I bet you that $(ticker) will outperform your every fav asset
I wouldn’t care about you normally, but since you are spamming my posts, I had to say it
I love when people share their opinion, but you are just nonsense fudder.. nothing more. Why would you spam everyone else with it?
Grow up man