Experience exclusive rewards for every quest you complete within our Social-fi ecosystem.

Suitable for everyone, from those seeking daily adventures to those simply living their life.

Quests that are a reshape of daily life, playable whether you're on a journey, completing tasks, or just living the moment.

Express yourself by equipping our unique, enhanceable Growth-Type SBT that grows with you.

It's more than just an app; it's a brand new Identity in the Social-fi space! You can use the SBT outside the app to represent your experience and what you are capable of.


Quest Variety: Ranging from quick, simple tasks to more intensive quests.

Enhancement Tools: Upgrade your SBT and Hon Box utilizing our enhancement feature.

Competitive Leaderboards: Monitor user ranks for each SBT.

Daily Bidding: Engage in daily bidding wars for the Soul.

Customizable Profile: Modify and personalize your profile information as you wish.

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