Ethereum researcher Vlad Zamfir, co-founder of Smart Transactions (STXN), has developed a groundbreaking feature that allows users to reverse transactions on the blockchain, making them less immutable. STXN's Smart Transactions also enable users to set specific conditions for transaction timing and execution. This innovation, described as a 'time machine' by Anuj Das Gupta, offers a solution to the flexibility versus immutability dilemma in blockchain technology. The feature, integrated into Ethereum Virtual Machine-compatible blockchains, aims to enhance user experience and prevent errors in on-chain transactions. STXN, led by newly-appointed CEO Boris Mamlyuk, plans to expand this functionality to various decentralized match-making applications, revolutionizing the way transactions are conducted in the Web3 ecosystem. The collaboration with Consensys further solidifies STXN's position in the Ethereum infrastructure landscape. Read more AI-generated news on: