According to Cointelegraph, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are experiencing significant growth on the Telegram messaging app platform. A report by Web3 data provider Helika revealed that NFT activity on Telegram surged by 400% in the third quarter of 2024. The “Q3 ‘24 Telegram Games Report” from Helika indicated that the number of unique wallets transferring NFTs daily on Telegram increased from under 200,000 in July to over one million in September.

Helika's data highlighted that Telegram gamers are highly active in purchasing, sending, and using NFTs within games. The company stated that gamers on Telegram are not just creating wallets but are also actively engaging with NFTs, suggesting a dynamic and vibrant level of interaction within the ecosystem. In September, three million active wallets were recorded across nine Telegram games.

In addition to the rise in NFT activity, Telegram gamers have been spending more time playing games. Helika reported that the average gaming session for a user increased from 2.8 minutes in August to 6.7 minutes at the start of October. The growth is attributed to more immersive experiences offered by the platform.

One of the most popular games on Telegram, Hamster Kombat, has also embraced NFTs. The game, which has surpassed 300 million users, announced plans to integrate NFTs on September 25. The Web3 clicker game will launch new games within its ecosystem and integrate NFTs as in-game assets. According to its roadmap for the remainder of 2024 and 2025, Hamster Kombat will integrate NFTs in its Season 2 in November. On October 17, the game released a trailer for its second season, teasing a new storyline where players can simulate becoming CEOs of their own companies.