(learnPRT1,2 &3)
Note !! guys to help you get out of the market deep fast after analyzing with this signs is to also trade with the bot (RoyalQ) with margin calls which I have explained in some of my post and will explain more
and will show you how to use the candle pattern on a day time frame and 15mniut time frame for an entry points to your trade
you can as well watch the video coming soon you need to register with the bot to archive more of this
will be dropping the link for the Bot on the comments section
*5/➱ Dark cloud cover*
The dark cloud cover pattern like the Hanging man, signals a bearish reversal, like a black cloud over the previous day's pump.
It has two candles: a red one opening above the green but closing below its midpoint. Then it has the red confirmation candle thereafter for you to be double sure.
Short shadows/wicks suggest a very strong downtrend because there is no buying strength from the Bulls.
6/➱ Doji*
When a market opens and close are nearly the same, the candlestick looks like a cross, showing a short or no body with varying shadow/wicks lengths.
By itself, a doji is neutral, but it can appear in reversal patterns like the bullish morning star (at the bottom)and bearish evening star (at the top).
follow for more tips on how to enter your trade with the candle 🕯️ stick , share and drop ☔ your questions