A wallet registered under the address 0x835b7e914c2e9a1accaff7e59c29e10dc813b949, controlled by an unknown whale, made a bold entrance into the TURBO market today. For the first time, the wallet withdrew an astonishing 350 million TURBO tokens, valued at $2.07 million, from Binance.

The transaction took place at a rate of $0.006 per token, marking the whale’s initial foray into the TURBO market.

Interestingly, the only other asset in the wallet is a mere 0.017 ETH (roughly $44), likely reserved for gas fees. This suggests a calculated strategy focused solely on TURBO accumulation.

As this whale’s entry rattled the market, TURBO's price experienced a notable 7.25% drop in the past 24 hours, raising concerns about the potential impact of this transaction. Now, all eyes are on this new player in the TURBO ecosystem, waiting to see if this massive purchase will stabilize the token or spark more volatility in the days ahead.

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