1H Chart :

ETH entered Bullish Momentum at today afternoon while trading at 2308. It has risen until 2392 . Currently it is not have current support level due to buying pressure.

It can possible to create the new strong support level when it is dropped below 2350 . Past support 2251 .

4H chart :

ETH entered Bullish Momentum at Sep 11 midnight while trading at 2390 . Then it has dropped until 2275 . After that drop ETH has created strong support level 2312. But it can't break. So ETH has risen until 2463 after rising ETH has declined the Bullish trend so it has dropped until 2251 . But not entered bearish momentum and created support level 2251 . Then today morning again it has rised .

In 4H chart trends looks like sideways trends.

1D Chart:

ETH currently trading under bearish momentum and it has strong resistance at 2820. I think ETH will not break easily that resistance but it is possible to break . Why I said ETH can't break the resistance easily, because ETH 12H chart currently trading under sideways trends within last 23 days. So ETH market need to accumulate the more buyer's for break that resistance.

Let's see what will happen in the upcoming days.

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