Wondering how many $HMSTR tokens you'll earn and what the price will be?
It’s simple! For every 1,000 PPH you hold, you'll receive 1 $HMSTR. While not fixed, the estimated price is around $0.015 per token.
Base Reward:
You'll get 1 $HMSTR for every 1,000 PPH you hold.
Example: If you have 1M PPH, that translates to 1,000 $HMSTR tokens.
Potential Bonus:
Boost your earnings through additional methods like participating in the Earn Section, completing Achievements, unlocking Keys, and inviting others.
Price Range Estimate:
The predicted price of $HMSTR could range between $0.01 and $0.10.
- Minimum earnings: 1,000 HMSTR × $0.03 = $30
- Maximum earnings: 1,000 HMSTR × $0.10 = $100
⚠️ Keep in mind, these are estimates and not official. Always do your own research (#DYOR) to stay informed! For more insights and updates, follow along.
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