Read Robert Kiyosaki's message, it's very powerful.

"Bitcoin, gold, silver prices about to

EXPLODE….As stated in my previous tweet…. you talkers….cowards discussing which is better…. Gold or Bitcoin…will be Big Losers… when Marxist Fed PIVOTS…cutting interest

rates…and real assets go up in price…as fake money leaves fake assets such as US bonds… fleeing to real assets such as real estate, gold, silver, and Bitcoin.

As stated in my previous Tweet (X)… really matters little which is better gold or Bitcoin. That would like people discussing which car Is better…..Ferrari or Lamborghini…as they take the bus.

Those who own real gold, silver, and Bitcoin will get richer….able to afford Ferraris or Lamborghinis….while talkers who take the bus…. say to themselves…”I really do not like either Ferraris or Lamborghinis.”

That is known as loser talk. Please do not be a loser.

Rember my lesson from military academy and the Marines. “Acta non Verba.” Your actions speak louder…than your words.

Please stop talking to yourself and ask yourself “How many gold and silver coins and Bitcoins do I own?

Then please do something brave. Buy some (more) gold, silver, or Bitcoin…before the Fed pivots and drops interest rates.

You may soon be looking good driving a Ferrari or Lamborghini."

