Do you remember last June and July? I am pretty sure you do.

You probably felt the fear.

First, the German government's $3 billion Bitcoin sell-off shook the market and caused turbulence.

Right after, the market was scared about the looming Mt. Gox repayment—$9 billion worth of Bitcoin was ready to flood the market.

Both have been significant discussion topics, driving massive waves of FUD across the space. The news was everywhere.

Fast forward to September.

We are about to witness the exact opposite. Well, actually, it can be even more significant. However, almost nobody talks about it.

Here's the thing: no one's talking about the $16 billion repayment from FTX.

Yep, you read that right. FTX is ready to return $16 billion to its creditors with $12 billion in cash.

Why This Could Be Big for Bitcoin and Crypto

So, what will happen when people get their money back? Many of them are likely to reinvest. This could inject a fresh wave of liquidity into the crypto market.

Let's do some math that will excite you: even if just 25% of those repayments are reinvested into the market, that's a more considerable cash influx than the German sell-off.

Let that sink in for a moment.

Obviously, only some people will throw their repayment back into crypto. But even a fraction of that $16 billion moving back into the market is enough to trigger bullish momentum.

Compare that to the constant panic about Mt. Gox or the German government—this isn't discussed nearly as much.

What Does This Mean for the Market?

If these repayments lead to buy pressure, we could see upward momentum as soon as the funds start rolling out. The FTX repayments aren't one-off events either.

They could create sustained liquidity over the next few weeks and months, pushing Bitcoin and altcoins higher.

With Fed announcements and the broader economic landscape, this could be just the positive surprise the market needs.