đŸ”·As blockchain technology continues its rapid evolution, Vitalik Buterin, Ethereum’s co-founder and a central figure in the crypto world, is renowned for his insights and forward-thinking approach. In 2025, Buterin’s endorsement of Layer-2 networks will be highly sought after, given his influence and deep understanding of the Ethereum ecosystem. His support is a significant indicator of a Layer-2 network’s potential for success. Buterin's exclusive list of endorsed Layer-2 networks for 2025 provides a valuable glimpse into the future of Ethereum’s scalability solutions.

1. Arbitrum

Arbitrum has emerged as a leading Layer-2 scaling solution for Ethereum, primarily due to its rollup technology. By bundling multiple transactions into a single batch, Arbitrum enhances transaction throughput and reduces gas fees. Vitalik Buterin has frequently acknowledged Arbitrum's role in advancing Ethereum’s scalability, and in 2025, his endorsement is expected to solidify the network's position as a frontrunner. Arbitrum’s commitment to maintaining compatibility with Ethereum while improving performance has garnered it significant traction and community support.

2. Optimism

Another Layer-2 solution gaining Buterin’s attention is Optimism. Like Arbitrum, Optimism employs rollup technology to achieve higher scalability and lower fees. Its approach, however, focuses on optimizing Ethereum’s existing infrastructure rather than introducing new technologies. Optimism’s simplicity and effectiveness make it a strong candidate for Buterin’s 2025 endorsement. The network's continuous updates and commitment to decentralization reflect the core values of Ethereum, aligning it with Buterin’s vision for a more scalable and efficient blockchain ecosystem.

3. zkSync

zkSync represents a different approach to Layer-2 scaling with its use of zero-knowledge rollups (zk-rollups). This technology allows zkSync to process transactions off-chain while ensuring data integrity and security through cryptographic proofs. Buterin’s endorsement of zkSync in 2025 would highlight his support for innovative solutions that enhance privacy and scalability. zkSync’s focus on maintaining Ethereum’s security model while increasing throughput makes it a compelling choice for those seeking advanced Layer-2 solutions.

4. StarkNet

StarkNet, built on zk-STARKs (Zero-Knowledge Scalable Transparent Arguments of Knowledge), is another Layer-2 network that Buterin is likely to endorse. StarkNet’s use of zk-STARKs enables it to provide high throughput and low transaction fees without compromising security. Its unique approach to scalability, coupled with a strong commitment to Ethereum’s long-term vision, positions it as a leading candidate for Buterin’s 2025 endorsement. StarkNet’s focus on creating a decentralized and scalable Ethereum ecosystem aligns with Buterin’s goals for the platform’s evolution.

5. Immutable X

Immutable X is a Layer-2 solution designed specifically for NFTs and gaming, leveraging zk-rollups to offer instant trade confirmations and zero gas fees. Buterin’s endorsement of Immutable X would reflect his support for specialized Layer-2 networks that cater to emerging sectors within the blockchain space. Immutable X’s focus on scalability and user experience for NFTs and gaming could be a significant factor in its endorsement. As the NFT and gaming industries continue to grow, Immutable X’s role in facilitating these sectors’ development becomes increasingly important.


Vitalik Buterin’s endorsements in 2025 will likely spotlight Layer-2 networks that exemplify Ethereum’s core values of scalability, security, and decentralization. Arbitrum, Optimism, zkSync, StarkNet, and Immutable X represent a diverse set of solutions addressing various aspects of Ethereum’s scalability challenges. Each of these networks brings unique technologies and approaches to the table, reflecting the ongoing innovation within the Ethereum ecosystem. As Buterin continues to champion advancements in blockchain technology, his endorsements will undoubtedly shape the future landscape of Layer-2 solutions and their impact on the broader crypto ecosystem.#BinanceTurns7 #BinanceLaunchpoolCATI #VitalikButerin