So many people getting wrecked in this market. $BTC volatility is wreckless if you don't know how market actually works. Who on the other hand see this bad times as opportunities can thrive. My 90 days Cumulative PNL is proof of this.

I just follow simile Rules

1) Diversification "don't invest in only 1 coin but instead have a pool of 10+ in witch you invested equally"

2) Don't enter in a coin that is rising instead wait for a dip or pullback trying to catch reversals "This give you higher returns and lower risk"

3) Don't enter in a coin while 90% of market is bullish instead wait for a BTC drop of at least 3% and enter in one of the worst performing coin to trade in short term

4) Don't go long on coins you don't understand how they works and/or if there is no functional project working behind it. Good coins are BTC $ETH and $BNB and buy those only when they are down 10/50% from all time high

5) Keep between 25/50% of your assets in fiat so if there is a flash crash you can buy the lows that in several altcoins allow to double your investment from the bounce you have to wait for 1/3 days from the deep

6) Avoid selling at a loss this means also to avoid using stop losses. Mainly because often your stop losses are seen in the liquidation pool and market makers & whales love liquidating those.

7) Understand that this days BTC is part of the traditional stock market as well this means that if NASDAQ or SP500 have significant drops they will drag the whole Crypto marked down either them. So you need to learn how traditional market works to predict what they will do on the opening hours 09:30-16:00 ET.

8) Don't allow your greed, gambling and fomo instincts dictate your decisions and use only logic and TA

9) When waiting for you target price to hit don't stare at the charts instead close Binance and do something in real life so you won't make mistakes selling too early because of Fear to miss the pump. Belive in your selling price and give the market time to get to it