Donald Trump draws attention with new NFT collection

The US presidential candidate’s fourth NFT collection, released on August 27, has garnered a lot of attention.

Former US President Donald Trump released his fourth series of NFT trading cards, Series 4: The America First Collection, on August 27. On-chain data shows that the collection has sold more than 22,000 units on the Polygon network in the last day, reaching a value of more than $2.17 million at a mint price of $99 per NFT. Moreover, the sales recorded here represent only 6 percent of the 360,000-piece NFT collection.

The fourth NFT collection features Trump in various poses and costumes, like the previous three collections. If all NFTs in this collection were to be minted, the total revenue would exceed $35 million. The NFTs here are currently not available for sale on secondary markets because the cards will not be tradable until January 31, 2025.

Trump has embraced the crypto community, moving away from his past skepticism. He began accepting donations in crypto during his election campaign and held meetings with industry stakeholders. Trump’s first NFT collection was released in December 2022.

The base price of the first collection had a 100 percent performance. However, mint prices had suffered significant losses in the second and third collections. According to the latest statement, Trump has earned more than $7 million in total from NFT collections. The former US president’s future NFT collections are eagerly awaited.