• Buterin sees centralised identity systems as a major threat to individual privacy.

  • He warns that AI consolidation could lead to increased surveillance and control.

  • Vitalik supports for open-source brain-computer interfaces to protect mental security.

Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of ETH, expressed concern about the growing perils of centralisation in new innovations. He believes that while DEFI  is important, it alone cannot deal with the broader hazards posed by governance in personal data systems, AI, and brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). The CEO emphasised that these threats could lead to a loss of confidentiality and freedom if not addressed.

Centralisation in Identity Systems and Operating Software

Buterin identified organised identity systems as a major threat to individual privacy. He pointed out that as these systems become more common, a few entities could gain substantial control over people's identities. This could have severe effects on personal privacy and autonomy. Additionally, he expressed concerns about the security of proprietary operating systems, noting that these platforms could have backdoors that allow unauthorised access and pose serious risks.


He also stressed that the consolidation of these systems could give a few powerful groups too much control, which goes against the principles of administration that him and the blockchain community support.

AI Surveillance and Global Internet Control

Buterin also raised concerns about the centralisation of artificial intelligence technologies. He warned that as AI becomes more powerful, the risks related to monitoring and oversight will increase. Buterin pointed out that a few countries are gaining more control over the global internet, which could lead to widespread censorship and limit access to information.

Moreover, Buterin noted that there are ongoing efforts to weaken encrypted messaging services. He suggested that these efforts are part of a broader push towards centralisation, where governments try to control communication and monitor private conversations

Data Security Concerns in Brain-Computer Interfaces

Buterin’s issues also extended to brain-computer interfaces . He mentioned recent developments in non-invasive BCIs that can decode language from the brain. However, Buterin is worried about the privacy risks if these BCIs remain under the control of a few companies. He argued that if BCIs have backdoors, they could remove the privacy of people’s thoughts.

To prevent these risks, Buterin called for BCI software to be made open-source. He believes this would help keep BCIs secure and accessible to everyone.

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